Best seo tips you need to know fellow bloggers
Experiment with different blogging sites
•Features and cost may greatly vary
•Some are better suited for younger bloggers
•Administrative control is available for education on some hosters.
•Blogs can be private or public
Define your purpose & be consistent
•Do you want to write about educational issues,classroom activities,personal hobbies,family?
•Are you blogging as a professional or with your students?
•Create a brand
•Readers will return to blogs that maintain a consistent theme.
Decide who will be your audience.
•Students,parents,educational colleagues,leaders,orthers Engage your readers
•Make it personal by writing in the first person
•Share your experiences,opinions and ideas
•Encourage and respond to comments left on your blog Let others know about your blog
•Share your blog through social media media channels
•Post your blog URL on your class webpage,newsletters,etc
•Features and cost may greatly vary
•Some are better suited for younger bloggers
•Administrative control is available for education on some hosters.
•Blogs can be private or public
Define your purpose & be consistent
•Do you want to write about educational issues,classroom activities,personal hobbies,family?
•Are you blogging as a professional or with your students?
•Create a brand
•Readers will return to blogs that maintain a consistent theme.
Decide who will be your audience.
•Students,parents,educational colleagues,leaders,orthers Engage your readers
•Make it personal by writing in the first person
•Share your experiences,opinions and ideas
•Encourage and respond to comments left on your blog Let others know about your blog
•Share your blog through social media media channels
•Post your blog URL on your class webpage,newsletters,etc
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