Choosing the niche for your new blog.
You want to attain the highest form of knowledge in the niche/topic of your choice.
So pick the one that appeals to you—the one you are passionate about and most interested in and Aspire for success, happiness, security and recognition.
By choosing your niche of interest and having your own point of view you’ll be able to position and differentiate your blog from the competition.
“The meaning of life is attaining the highest form of knowledge which is the idea of the good:as Technology as made the world a global villiage .” Ancient Greek philosophers
Give your Topic of interest a proper View by brainstorming on the topic.
the steps below, can help you determine the niche that's best for you:
i. Make a list of your interests or hobbies.
Which topics fascinate you? List them all, for example: Techs,News,Sports,Making Money,Fashion or Cooking.
ii. List accomplishments you are proud of, such as musical talent, artistic talent,Writing skills or sport achievements.
iii. list difficulties/setbacks you have overcome or defeated, such as: losing a significant amount of weight, recovering from a financial setback or pains and injuries.
During the course of this exercise, you will get a better feeling for the topics that resonate with you. The ones that you are most passionate about are the best candidates for your niche.
Blog success validation
Whether you want to blog for prestige, income, fun or connections, you’ll want to research the niche you choose and make sure the topic is viable.
“blog suc-cess validation” exercise will help you determine whether your blog has real potential. It will also help you understand why most blogs fail.
Potential niche size
Even if you've a brilliant blog idea, you will likely find some things diffficult before you succeed unless you find a niche market that attracts enough people or one with little competition.
You don’t want your niche to be too small or too big.
Example: The size of “BLOGGING” niche is, on average, more than 4.8 million monthly searches. This niche might be too big and broad.
However if you pursue a niche that is very narrow, such as “MYBLOG” (average 4,000 searches monthly), the volume of searches would be too small. One way to drill down from “BLOGGING” would be “BLOGGERS tips” (average 350,000 total monthly searches) or even deeper down “BLOGGING for beginners” (average 250,000 total monthly searches).
Check the size of your niche:
I. Check the top five keywords for your niche market. Look for at least 10 thousand monthly searches combined for the five keywords. You can use Google Keyword Planner (free), Market Samurai (paid) or WordTracker (partially free) to check for the volume of searches and get keywords ideas.
You want YOUR BLOG TO BE WELL KNOW; there is a large enough audience looking for the kind of information you will provide, but not so large that you will get lost in the crowd.
Use the Google Keyword Planner tool to get top keyword ideas and search volume:
i. Select the “Search for new keyword and group ideas” tab. Enter your main keyword (see examples in our “BLOGGERS TIPS”) and get ideas by looking at the list of suggested keywords.
ii. Select the top five keywords that fit the niche market you chose.
iii. Check the search volume for each keyword and add them together.
Let's say for Instance: searching The below five BLOGGERS TIPS keywords, yielded the following search results:
With these five keywords, i have a little over 20,000 average monthly searches. This niche market (“BLOGGERS TIPS”) has enough volume and would be a good choice for a blog.
Potential competition
It’s a good sign if you have competition.
It means others are talking about your niche too and actively pursuing it.
It’s also essential to note that bloggers in your niche are not always your competitors.
Potential monetization
Do you love to earn money with your blog? There are many people who start blogging as a hobby without necessarily looking at monetizing their blog. However, others want to make some cool cash or even dream of earning a living by blogging. Well,it doesn’t matter the category you belong, because it wouldn’t hurt to know if your blog can produce the income you desire. If you found other blogs, active social profiles and offline magazines or journals active,this means the niche is active and possibly monetizable
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