How to Advertise With a Banner on the Top of a Blogger Header

How to Advertise With a Banner on the Top of a Blogger Header

Selling Adspace or affiliate marketing allow a blogger or webmaster to earn cool cash .
In Blogger platform, the sidebars and footers of the blog feature gadget areas,are met for the addition of content and advertisements. A gadget-placement space is not available by default above the header area of the blogger blog.
 To add advertisements to this portion of your blogger blog, you must add some blocks of  code to your blog's template to create the gadget for the advertisement to reside in before you can paste in code for individual advertisements.
Let's get started.
1. Login to your Blogger Account by going to  or  click on sign in if you're not currently sign in
3. Click  on the  "Template button" on the left-hand side of your Blogger Dashboard.
Locate "Backup/Restore template" click on it and also click on  Download .In other to upload  the backup copy of your current template in case an error occurs during the blog customization.
4. look up to "Template," from the left side bar ,and click on it for a new window to open containing "Customize and Edit HTML"  Never bother to click customise  just click  on "Edit HTML" to edit your blog tempate.
5. press ctrl+ F in your keyboard and paste this code
6. <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'><b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Yourheader (Header)' type='Header'>
in the search form and press the enter key.
Or press ctrl+ F in your keyboard  and search for the individual elements of "header," "showaddelement," and "locked="
without the quotation marks. This is vital if you've previously altered portions of the header code.
7. Now change the "maxwidgets" number from "1" to "2"   , also change "showaddelement"    to yes  and  also change "locked:'true'" to "false'".
Your new code must look like this: <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='2' showaddelement='yes'><b:widget id='Header1' locked='false' title='Yourheader (Header)' type='Header'>
8. Click on the  "Preview button " to ensure you did not by mistakely alter any code elsewhere that could affect your blog display function. You will not see your changes until an ad unit is placed inside the  gadget space created. Click on  "Save template"  if you are ok with the preview image.
9. Click on  "Layout" in the main blogger menu that is your dashboard on the left-hand side of your current webpage. A new gadget area is now added above your header  having the name "Add a gadget".
10. Click the  "Add a gadget" in the area above your header. Locate  "Html/JavaScript" and click on the + sign to add it.
11. Forget about the Title and paste in the ad code provided by your affiliate marketer or ad sponsor in the content area. The code added to the above content area ,contain tracking codes to ensure you are properly credited for referral sales, so avoid editing this code. Now click on  "Save."
12. Click  the "Add a gadget" in the area above your header and locate  "AdSense"  now click on the blue + sign if you prefer to add a Google Adsense banner to your new gadget instead of an affiliate ad. Select your preferred ad-unit size and click on  "Save."

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