Welcome back dear wordpress  bloggers today i will teach you the things you need to know about using a wordpress.
Before we begin  i know most of the male bloggers we have today  on the internet started  with mobille website builders  like Wapka, Xtgem, wapego  and many other mobile  website builders. why i refer to that? Before you will be able  to do some changes or add some codes to your wordpress blog/website you need to know  few some web languages or if you don,t want to know there is no problem.
so follow this  simple steps and achieve  success in creating your own wordpress blog/website.
1.Goto  and scroll down to website builder or Blog depending on the one that you wanna create.
2.Choose  blog if you're  a blogger or website as a web designer or developer.
3.Select the  catergory of your blog/website
4.Select your blog/website layout.
5.Select a theme/template for your blog.
6.Now  choose your website/blog address by typing it on  the input box infront of you
and select between  Free or by buying Hosting plan.e.g sedenublog
7.After clicking that ,A new window wil open asking for your email or username and password.
8.Enter them according
Email :myemail@gmail or or if you've a hotmail account, then you're limited  to  use it.
myemail is the name you register your email with while @gmail or @yahoo and are the name of your email host .
Password: choose a strong password.
9.Click on Register .
that's all  you can always read the related posts on the botton of every posts.

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