Dear wordpress  bloggers today i am  dropping How to  Wordpress  part 2 Tutorials ,so  you need not to miss the  very Hot tutorial about wordpress.                                                          

   So here we go.

Log in to your wordpress Accont/Dashboard.
Move  your cursor down to Appearance and select Editor
Now you will see some files like 404 error.php/404.php,Function.php,Footer.php,Header.php,style.css and many other files but the most vital ones are what i just listed.
See the files  explanation below:
404.php: this is the page that open when a particular file/document or page/post is not found on your blog/website.
Functon.php:this is the main  file that control your Wordpress website/ if you,re editing this very file,you need to have proper knowledege of PHP"hypertext processor" and HTML"hypertext mark up language.
Header.php: this file main aim/purpose is to control the top  of your wordpress site/blog. that is  your blog title and description is  coded here and any other thing applied in the <head> tag.
Footer.php:this is the bottom page that  always appear on every website carrying the website credits like About us,Advertise here,Privacy policy ,copyright(c) credits,All right reserve and the year credit.
Style.css:this is the file  that  is in possesion of  the styles in your blog any alteration will cause faiilure  on your blog background and  other css features present on your blog.
That's  all you need to know about  editing of  of wordpress  theme/template .
For the  complete  wordpress  template or theme features  ediitng .
a great  book a how to wordpress will  soon  be available on this great platform
in the download section as it is  under prepartion.

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