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Think about this why are you starting a blog and why people should be interested in following you and Benefits/Rewards of blogging.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

 Ok there is  a question i need to ask you ."Why do you blog?”. partially i know that some persons are there to say  “Writing about the passion” ,"Making some Cash" and “To share with others”.
If you want to if you really wanna learn more about blogging,                                                                                                              
 read this article Why do people blog without scrolling or parabulating in the first or last line.
Why do people blog and the benefit of blogging?
i. Become a  great writer and thinker
Once you start blogging, you’ll find yourself becoming a great writer and thinker.                               
Trying to master content takes creative thought.                                                                                    
When you become im-mersed in creating great pieces of content for your blog, your writing, thinking and research skills will definetly improve in the process.
ii. Establish yourself as an expert
Blogs are wonderful tools to help people establish themselves as experts in a field or niche.                                                                                                                                                                              
 We all have some kind of interest and expertise to share with others.                                                                                                                                                                                        
 If you’re able to produce outstanding content on your blog and/or have a unique point of view on the topic, then be assured that your featured and future audience  will see it and reward you for it.
In this present age,the Web has distint experts  and distint opinions for almost every topic you can dream of  With a bit of  effort and commitment, you too can become an authority/consultant in the area of your interest.
iii. Increase your self-confidence
The more commitment/value you install in  blogging, the more your creative juices will flowl;That’s one reason why blogging is very popular.                                                                                                                                                 
 As you gain knowledge about your topic, the confidence you’ll build in your followers and most importantly, in yourself, will soar. All of this leads to increased creativity. lets take for instance in American according to Newyork Times ,81% of Americans believe they've a book inside them to share with the UNIVERSE.
iv. friends and have fun
With practice and a little effort, you can easily build your base of blog fans and followers.                      
e.g   www.Lindaikejisblog.com  .
As you become known as an expert in your niche,you can inspire, encourage and help your followers make a difference in their own lives.                                                                                          
Along your blogging journey, you will make new friends and connections throughout the WORLD.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    If you like to travel, that means a lot of couches are available for you to snooze on while winging your way around the WORLD.
v. Make money from your blog
Blogging can also have financial benefits. You can place ads and receive  affiliate commissions by promoting products of established online retailers,applying for other Advertising  networks like Google Adsense www.google.com/Adsense  or to properllerads www.properllerads.com   or bing  Ads, selling your own digital product and selling Ads space in your blog .

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