How to Change the Welcome or Login Screen in Windows XP
How to Change the Welcome or Login Screen in Windows XP
Seeing the same old blue screen each time you login to Windows XP can get quite boring for you with passing time. Probably the best way to remove this blue screen is to use the direct login feature and not see the welcome screen at all but for multi user computers the welcome screen acts as a login portal and you can not disable it whatsoever.
However there is a simple tips to change the welcome screen .
Change Windows Welcome (Login) Screen
Just ensure that you have the “Use welcome screen” option activated in
Control Panel or otherwise turn it on yourself by going to
control panel–> Users Accounts –> Logon and Logoff Options
before trying to apply this tips.
Basically there are many ways of doing this but am just going to be giving you just two ways to change your login screen.
1.First One is to either replace your default login screen with your new one.
2.Playing with the registry such that it recognizes the new login screen as the default one .
The following steps will guide you how to overwrite/delete your existing login screen with your new one.
Follow this steps :
1. Make a backup copy of C:\windows\system32\logonui.exe
2. Rename your new login screen to logonui.exe
3. Overwrite the existing login screen file with your new login screen and thats it you are done.
Second Method that will help Windows identify your new login screen as the default one. The good thing about this particular tip, is that you don’t have to overwrite or replace your original login screen file.
Follow this Steps.
1. Copy your custom login screen file under another name, let’s say logonuiA.exe, to C:\Windows\system3\
2. Open Start menu –> Run –> and type regedit (for windows newer than windows 7 e.g windows 8,windows 8.1 e.t.c )or just press the windows logo on your keyword with the "R" button (windows 7 downward)and type Regedit.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –> SOFTWARE –> Microsoft –> Windows NT –> CurrentVersion –> Winlogon and change the value for UIHost to logonuiA.exe.
You wanna Restore/Revert back To your Old Login Screen
If you ever feel like restoring your original login screen then just use the backup copy of logonui.exe and paste it in C:\windows\system32\ and select over write.
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